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Grande Vegas

First Deposit:

Coupon code: GV100FREE

Second Deposit:

Coupon code: GV200FREE

Third Deposit:

Coupon code: GV250FREE

Fourth Deposit:

Coupon code: GV500FREE

Fifth Deposit:

Coupon code: GV800FREE

Get your Bonus in 3 easy steps:

1. Open up an new account

2. Make your first deposit

3. Go to the cashier, redeem the coupon with your code given and receive bonus automatically

4. PLAY!

Terms & conditions apply.

Promotional Terms and Conditions

1. This offer is valid for first time depositors at the casino.

2. Unless otherwise stated, this offer may not be combined with any other bonuses offered by Grande Vegas Casino.

3. Deposits of a minimum $20 and up qualify for this bonus.

4. This is a Play Bonus - the bonus credits are for wagering purpose only, and only winnings from the bonus (and not the bonus itself) may be cashed out. At the time of a cashout the amount of the bonus will be deducted from the balance.

5. In order to withdraw winnings from this bonus we ask that you fulfill the following wagering requirements:

* Players are asked to wager the bonus and deposit amounts fifteen (15) times before making any cash-outs.

* Take note that some games played may contribute a different percentage of the wager - up to 100%, towards the required wagering:

1. Slots, Parlor Games count full (100%) to wagering requirements.

2. Table Poker, all Roulettes, Casino War and Sicbo count a quarter (25%) to wagering requirements.

3. Video Poker, Craps, Baccarat count a twentieth (5%) to wagering requirements

4. All Blackjacks counts a fiftieth (2%) to wagering requirements.

6. If you withdraw before having reached the minimum wagering requirements, your bonus and winnings will be void.

7. Grande Vegas Casino reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this offer at any time and it is your responsibility to periodically check here for changes and updates.

8. The casino reserves the right to review transaction records and logs from time to time, for any reason whatsoever. If, upon such review, it appears that player's are participating in strategies that the casino in its sole discretion deems to be abusive, the casino reserves the right to revoke the entitlement of such player to the promotion.

9. Furthermore, if upon such review, the players practices have been deemed to be "Promotion Abuse", Grande Vegas Casino Management has the right to take the following actions, at its sole discretion, against such abusers:

* Abusing Player accounts may be terminated with immediate effect.

* Players found to be abusing promotions may be barred from receiving further promotional offers at the Casino.

10. Each coupon can only be redeemed by the player one (1) time. The same coupon code cannot be used a second time.

11. In the event of a dispute, all decisions made by the casino will be final.

12. Players are not required to use coupons when depositing and should not do so without a complete understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions. If any player wishes to participate in this deposit sequence promotion, the player must redeem the coupon before placing any wagers to properly track play-through.

13. Conditions concerning all bonuses are in addition to the General Terms & Conditions of Grande Vegas Casino.


Quando uno apre un negozio all'inizio tiene i prezzi bassi per farsi la clientela

oppure fa le offerte speciali, il 3x2 ecc.

Com'è che invece ogni nuovo casinò salta fuori con delle offerte uguali o peggiori di quelle esistenti? :rolleyes:

E regalateli sti soldi, almeno per il primo mese di attività! E' tutta pubblicità! :hahaha:

100% incassabile, bj valido 100%, pt 20xb, sono questi i bonus da inaugurazione.

  • 3 weeks later...

ho visto che non c'è moneybookers , lascio perdere , in questo momento il mio NETeller è in attesa di alcuni pagamenti e non ho fondi , sarà il destino che mi dice che è meglio così!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

mi sono iscritta , versato e vinto 1.100 , stanotte ho compilato il fax-form e allegato docs e bolletta , oggi hanno confermato la ricezione ma ancora non mi fa incassare , quanto bisogna aspettare?


grazie , a me hanno scritto che li hanno ricevuti ma niente ancora non riesco a incassare esce la scritta che devo mandare il faxback form , che già ho mandato , , vabbè dai spero si velocizzino anche con me!!!

Inserita: (modificato)

tutto a posto , in chat hanno sbloccato il tutto e sono riuscita ad incasssare , denaro arrivato subito dopo!ottimo!

mi hanno pagato anche il bonus , non pensavo , mi aspettavo che lo detraessero , bella sorpresa!

Modificato: da cinzia

ho avuto la stessa sorpresa,non lo avevo scritto in quanto credevo fosse un errore e non volevo crearti una falsa aspettativa,ma leggo con piacere che è stato pagato anche a te :hahaha:

ma nelle Terms non è comunque scritto il contrario?


ho giocato stanotte con il bonus del 100% sul quarto deposito,è andata bene,ho fatto il prelievo alle 2.30 e stamattina alle 9.00 avevo già i soldi,compreso il bonus anche stavolta :ciao::app:

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