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Inserito: (modificato)

qui ho vinto 100 €, chiedo il primo incasso su NETeller e i 100 vanno in pending poi mi arriva questa email

Dear sergio

Your withdrawal request on 7sr07480527 has been received.  If you reverse this

Withdrawal Request right now, and you could win a share of $7,500

If you choose to reverse your withdrawal, and enjoy the benefits of continued

play without the need to re-purchase, you will automatically be entered into our

weekly $7,500 Lucky Draw!

Email support to request your reversal NOW - and be sure to enter this exclusive


**Mail now: [email protected]**

If you don't want to enter the Lucky Draw, we will endeavor to process your

withdrawal with speed and accuracy - so you will receive your winnings in no

time at all.

Here are a few points to assist us in processing your withdrawal even faster!

Withdrawals are only processed after 24 hours for security reasons.

Withdrawals are only processed if the wagering requirements have been met.

To find out more about these and other Withdrawal details, please click the link




Your original casino purchases will determine the portion of your withdrawal

amount that will be refunded to your FirePay, NETeller or PrePaid ATM Accounts.

The remaining portion will be paid to you in the form your preferred method of


Please click on the link below and choose your method of payment:





i 100 ritornano a disposizione del casinò :P e vabbè richiedo ancora l'incasso su NETeller ... il giorno dopo mi arriva questa e mail :P nel frattempo i 100 non sono sul conto del casinò ma in stato "reversible" e non "in elaborazione" (vedendo con l'icona verde in alto a sx)

Good day,

Please find attached, a statement reflecting the status of your recent

withdrawal. The statement reflects whether your withdrawal has been allocated

and, if this is the

case, how it has been allocated.

Should your withdrawal (or part thereof) still reflect as "pending", please

ensure that you have returned all outstanding verification documents.

Alternatively, we might be

awaiting clearance for your Firepay Deposits.

Please remember that whilst the Casino attempts to pay all our players via their

selected preferred method of payment, management reserves the right to pay any

withdrawal via the method that they deem to be the most viable. The Casino may

also refund your original deposit amount, back via the original payment method.

Please examine your statement closely to see which method was used.

Please note that a NETeller refund takes approximately 24-48 hours, as do a

CLICK2PAY or Firepay refund.

PaySpark refunds take approximately 24-72 hours.

Refunds to Solo/Switch debit cards take approximately 48-72 hours.

An 'ACH' Bank Transfer and a Firepay Card refund takes approximately 5 - 6

working days.

A Check-refund takes approximately 21 working days via regular mail and 3 - 4

working days if sent via Courier. 

Should your withdrawal (or part thereof) reflect as "credit against cashin",

this means that this amount was reversed to your casino account.

If you have any queries or comments please contact one of our friendly service

consultants in our 24-hour Customer Service Center on: 1-800-587-9036 or


email us at: [email protected]

Kind Regards

Casinodesk E-Cash

non so più che fare....sinceramente riguardando la prima email ho capito che mi invitavano a riversarli per partecipare a non so cosa....ma la seconda mica l'ho capita.....

potete darmi una mano a chiarirmi le idee? :P

vi ringrazio anticipatamente

Modificato: da Sergico
Ospite davescamp

Dovrebbe essere tutto aposto, è normale un periodo di reversibilità (24ore) prima che inizino ad elaborare.

Ospite davescamp
Should your withdrawal (or part thereof) still reflect as "pending", please

ensure that you have returned all outstanding verification documents.

Prima mi era sfuggito questo, dice che quando il tuo withdrawal risulta come "pending" devi assicurarti di avergli mandato tuttim i documenti di verifica dell'identià (cioè Carta d'identità e bolleta), comunque chiedi a loro se ne hanno bisogno.


Anche io ho avuto gli stessi problemi. Tra prelievi e ritorni ci ho perso una settimana. Alla fine mi hanno scritto che per prelevare dovevo versare almeno $20. Alla fine ho ritirato $180.


ho fatto appena poco tempo fa come te....ossia ho versato 20 da NETeller così dei 120 che c'erano 100 li ho "incassati" sperando che stavolta me li accettino ... tutto questo dopo aver parlato all'assistenza clienti in un inglese altro che maccheronico (rimpiango i giorno di scuola :verso: ) comunque senza che mi dilungo in ot volevo chiedere....

adesso ho versato quei 20....ma c'è ancora un playthrough per poter incassare questi 20 che sto provando a far fruttare?

Inserita: (modificato)

li sto facendo fruttare e sono arrivato a 50 ... che dite se chiedo ancora un incasso dei 20 (che ho appena versato per incassare quei 100) me lo accettano? o devo raggiungere un playthrough?

scusate se sono troppo insistente :verso:

Modificato: da Sergico

mi è arrivata questa email...che significa? considerando che aspetto da circa 3 giorni l'incasso su NETeller

Good day,

Please find attached, a statement reflecting the status of your recent

withdrawal. The statement reflects whether your withdrawal has been allocated

and, if this is the

case, how it has been allocated.

Should your withdrawal (or part thereof) still reflect as "pending", please

ensure that you have returned all outstanding verification documents.

Alternatively, we might be

awaiting clearance for your Firepay Deposits.

Please remember that whilst the Casino attempts to pay all our players via their

selected preferred method of payment, management reserves the right to pay any

withdrawal via the method that they deem to be the most viable. The Casino may

also refund your original deposit amount, back via the original payment method.

Please examine your statement closely to see which method was used.

Please note that a NETeller refund takes approximately 24-48 hours, as do a

CLICK2PAY or Firepay refund.

PaySpark refunds take approximately 24-72 hours.

Refunds to Solo/Switch debit cards take approximately 48-72 hours.

An 'ACH' Bank Transfer and a Firepay Card refund takes approximately 5 - 6

working days.

A Check-refund takes approximately 21 working days via regular mail and 3 - 4

working days if sent via Courier. 

Should your withdrawal (or part thereof) reflect as "credit against cashin",

this means that this amount was reversed to your casino account.

If you have any queries or comments please contact one of our friendly service

consultants in our 24-hour Customer Service Center on: 1-800-587-9036 or


email us at: [email protected]

Kind Regards

Casinodesk E-Cash

Ospite davescamp

Ci dovrebbe esser un link che ti dice a che punto è il tuo prelievo, se dice processed è tutto ok, se dice pending sono ancora grane!


nell'email non c'è nessun link

mentre con il cash ceck mi da OPERAZIONI IN CORSO

facendo il reverse withdrawl non mi da più la possibilitàdi rigiocarli.....saràla volta buona che me li fanno incassare? boh? non so.....voi che dite?

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