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Mi è arrivta questa mail dal Colosseum

e intanto dei miei 170 euro che mi deve su NETeller nemmeno l'ombra

Please find attached a copy of your statement for July 23-26 2004

Please note that all purchases and cashins of July 26th 2004 will only be reflected in tomorrow's statement

Cash in balances of less than $30 will be refunded to your Colosseum Casino account.

Your credit card will be billed or credited as one of the following :


E-Processing Services Ltd

E- advantages

DMS Billings

Riscard Trading

We will always refund your Firepay card and/or your gaming card for the exact amount you purchased. You need to notify us if you wish to close or if you have already

closed your Firepay, Gaming Card, Neteller, PrePaid ATM or Moneybookers account. Your future winnings might otherwise be credited on a closed account which could

cause long delays before you receive them.

Cash ins balances for over $5000 will now be wire transferred to your bank account.

Should you have any queries or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.


Colosseum Casino


E' una mail che viene mandata in automatico quando il tuo pagamento viene processato. Porta pazienza, manca poco per vedere i soldini su NETeller!!! ;)

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