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Messaggi consigliati


Mi è arrivata questa mail da Floridita e Vegas Joker dopo aver prelevato 90 euro da entrambi i casino. Qualcuno sa spiegarmene a grandi linee il contenuto?


Please find attached a copy of your statement for August the 2nd 2005

Please note that all purchases and cashins of August the 2nd 2005 will only be

reflected in tomorrow's statement

Cash in balances of less than $30 will be refunded to your Floridita Club Casino


Your credit card will be billed or credited as one of the following :


E-Processing Services Ltd

EPROC ...........

CWPay ...........

PinPay ............

Riscard Trading

We will always refund your Firepay card and/or your gaming card first for the

whole amount

you cashed in. You need to notify us if you wish to close or if you have already

closed your

Firepay, Gaming Card, NETeller, Payspark, Click2Pay or Moneybookers account.


winnings might otherwise be credited on a closed account which could cause long


before you receive them.

Cash ins balances for over $5,000.00 will always be processed via bank transfer

and transferred to

your bank account using the wire details you provide. Please ensure the

submitted bank details are correct

and up to date, as we cannot be held responsible for payments delayed due to

wrong details. The transfer

can only be sent to your own or a joint bank account.

Should we need any further verification or documents from you, you will be

emailed, so please

make sure you inform the casino of any change of email address.

Should you have any queries or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.


Floridita Club Casino

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