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Platinum deposit bonus

December 23-31

Platinum members! Here's a special cash jingle for you this season. Cash in on an excusive 100% bonus up to 100 USD on your first deposit during the event days.

Just use bonus code CELEBRATE100 when making your first deposit and watch your account balance grow.

OKKIO pero': e' un 12X al videopoker :ok:

This bonus is only valid for Treasure of the Deep and video poker and slots games only.

The wagering restriction for this bonus is 12 times (Demark, China, Poland and Israeli players 36 times) the initial deposit and the bonus amount.

Sara' sticky? :huh:



PS: So che non c'entra niente...

Ma cosa hanno fatto questi poveri danesi per trovarsi condizioni tipo 10% da giocare alle slot 6000 volte? :huh:

Adesso faccio un esposto alla corte per i diritti dell'uomo! :ok:

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