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Vip Casino

Messaggi consigliati

ragazzi scusate, mi e' arrivata una mail di vip casino in cui mi dice:

I notice you haven’t returned to VIP Casino since my last email so I thought I would try and tempt you back with an even bigger and better offer!

Play any game in the casino within the next seven days and I will double your bonus to 20 bucks.

There’s no catch or wagering requirements, but this offer ends in seven days. So what are you waiting for?

che significa 20 bucks? ho cercato su un traduttore online ma mi dice "caproni" :(

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ragazzi scusate, mi e' arrivata una mail di vip casino in cui mi dice:

I notice you haven’t returned to VIP Casino since my last email so I thought I would try and tempt you back with an even bigger and better offer!

Play any game in the casino within the next seven days and I will double your bonus to 20 bucks.

There’s no catch or wagering requirements, but this offer ends in seven days. So what are you waiting for?

che significa 20 bucks? ho cercato su un traduttore online ma mi dice "caproni" :(

:( l'hanno mandata anche a me........pensavo fossero dollari...ma poi in effetti mi hanno spedito dei caproni veri!!!!

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