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Ecco la chattata con Casino US di questa mattina...la storia della blacklist microgaming mi aveva spaventato non poco..soprattutto ora che voglio ritirare 600 dollari...qualcuno con un buon inglese potrebbe dirmi se ho capito bene?

E' tutto ok, pero' devo inviare i doc...ma che dice sulle carte di credito?

Ciao e non prendetemi in giro per il mio inglese!

info: Please wait for a site operator to respond.

info: You are now chatting with 'Angela'

Angela: Welcome to the Casino Support Desk. How can I help you?

nevio vanni: Hi Angela..

nevio vanni: sorry my english i have question

nevio vanni: I am habitual customer of Casino US..

nevio vanni: At my friend have denied withdraw (in another casino microgaming) because he inserred in blacklist microgaming..

nevio vanni: I have deposited in four month more of 1500 dollar's in Casino US..

nevio vanni: but how can to know if I am in this "blacklist"?

nevio vanni: how can to know if win, if casino us payout me?

nevio vanni: you understood?

Angela: Hi Nevio

Angela: One moment while I check my records please.

nevio vanni: thank's..

Angela: Thank you for your patience

nevio vanni: no problem Angela..

nevio vanni: you have read my question?

Angela: Your account is okay according to our records, however, you are only allowed to make deposits using web wallets only and not credit cards

Angela: To date, our records show that you will be allowed to receive your winnings

nevio vanni: yes..yes,,,for me Casino US is one of the casino more serious..

nevio vanni: i have received two winning (150 dollar's in all)

nevio vanni: so..

nevio vanni: I can to be calm..

nevio vanni: is all ok?

nevio vanni: Excuse me, but I had fear, because some casino are dishonest..

Angela: Yes, all is okay

Angela: Our withdrawals manager will send you information on

Angela: requested documents should there be a need

nevio vanni: thank's for your professionality and patience with my english..thank's too.

nevio vanni: bye and good work+

nevio vanni: oh yes!

nevio vanni: no problem for doc

Angela: Is there anything else that I may assist you with?

nevio vanni: no thank's by angela.

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