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Ciao ragazzi.. ieri ho giocato su InetBEt e sono arrivato a $301 (senza bonus) richiesto prelievo via NETeller, mi hanno mandato una mail con un link:

Dear Sergio

I hope that this mail finds you well.

Just a quick email to explain the procedure with your withdrawal request.

I see that you have requested a withdrawal of 301.00.

However as your withdrawals cannot be credited back to your Credit Card can you please
send us in a Fax Back Verification Form so that we may complete this transaction as quickly as possible.

The fax back procedure is explained in the banking section of our website

però non riesco ad accedervi.. che faccio?



ti riporto la pagina linkata:

Important: In order to bring you safe Online Gaming entertainment iNetBet Casino may require a customer who requests a withdrawal of winnings, to supply a signed and completed Financial Information Form. The purpose of this form is for our mutual protection and online security.

This information may not be required if a player has deposited solely via NETeller or PrepaidATM. If a player has made a deposit via any other method, or a combination of methods, upon withdrawal they will be required to provide the information below.

Please follow this link and fill out the financial information form provided.

Together with the verification form we require:

A legible photocopy of a valid driver's license, passport, or other government issued ID.

A photocopy of the front and reverse sides of any credit/debit card used to deposit on your account

This information will remain with us in strictest confidence and will enable us to issue payouts in the safest manner possible.

Please take a few seconds to fill out the required document and fax it to: +44 1732 760227 or if you prefer you may email scanned documentation to [email protected]

Players are only required to send this form in once.

Please note: We also require a completed fax back form in order for players to partake in any of our multiplayer poker rooms.

Questo è il link del file .doc a cui ti indirizza il link sottolineato


(sepro che riesci ad aprirlo perché qua non si possono allegare i file)

ti riporto la pagina linkata:

Important: In order to bring you safe Online Gaming entertainment iNetBet Casino may require a customer who requests a withdrawal of winnings, to supply a signed and completed Financial Information Form. The purpose of this form is for our mutual protection and online security.

This information may not be required if a player has deposited solely via NETeller or PrepaidATM. If a player has made a deposit via any other method, or a combination of methods, upon withdrawal they will be required to provide the information below.

Please follow this link and fill out the financial information form provided.

Together with the verification form we require:

A legible photocopy of a valid driver's license, passport, or other government issued ID.

A photocopy of the front and reverse sides of any credit/debit card used to deposit on your account

This information will remain with us in strictest confidence and will enable us to issue payouts in the safest manner possible.

Please take a few seconds to fill out the required document and fax it to: +44 1732 760227 or if you prefer you may email scanned documentation to [email protected]

Players are only required to send this form in once.

Please note: We also require a completed fax back form in order for players to partake in any of our multiplayer poker rooms.

Questo è il link del file .doc a cui ti indirizza il link sottolineato


(sepro che riesci ad aprirlo perché qua non si possono allegare i file)

ti ringrazio molto.. ma posso mandarlo via mail quindi questo file.doc?

lo stampo lo scrivo a mano e poi faccio scansione e mando giusto?


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