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Ho ricevuto un'e-mail da the gaming club ma non ho capito cosa dice.

Hi Moreno,

We've come to the last month of 2006! This indeed is the exciting time where, once again, we look forward to rewarding you with more for playing more! As a token of our appreciation for your loyalty, you will be rewarded with Cash Back for every bet you place!

Having said that, did you know that Belle Rock Entertainment gives away over $550,000 every month to you, our valued players?

Congratulations Moreno, you?ve earned:

Cash Back Points 2200

Credits Paid Out 11

Note: Your Cash Back credits will reflect in your Cash Balance within the next 24 hours.

Significa che mi danno dei soldi che metteranno nel bonus o che se faccio un deposito ho un cash back?

Inoltre qualcuno sa in cosa consiste l'auction di questo gruppo?

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