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Ciao ragazzi! Questa volta ho voluto provare con il Casinò Fortune, che fino al 31 gennaio offre 30$ gratis per igocare alla sunny slot, alla quale ho vinto abbastanza e ora mi ritrovo a 104$...per curiosità sono andata a vedere le terms ma sono rimasta un po' confusa...potreste darmi delucidazioni?

You must play all the FREE monies on the SUNNYSLOTS slot machine.

The word JACKPOT used below is defined as getting three Sunny logos along the payline, while playing for max bet.

Once you have picked up this offer no other Sunny Slot offers are applicable.

No cashins would be allowed unless you hit the JACKPOT, OR you have made a MATCHING purchase BEFORE wagering the free Sunny Slot Credits. In this case you may play any game but you must wager the deposit plus the bonus 16 times before any cashin would be considered.

No deposit is required, however if you hit the JACKPOT the maximum you can win is 10% of the JACKPOT at that point up to a maximum of $100,000.

Da quanto ho letto le condizioni sembrano molto svantaggiose...per incassare dovrei vincere il jackpot?

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