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1. The player signs up at BetRuss.com and is issued an account ID.

2. Before the $50 Free Play is placed into the account the player must verify their account information. This is done by simply sending either a fax or emailing a scanned copy of either a; valid Drivers License, State ID or Passport. This information must match exactly that of the information which was used to register players BetRuss.com account. Send Fax to; 888-294-8855 Send Email to: [email protected]

3. Once the account has been verified the $50 Free Play will be immediately added to the players account!

4. There are no restrictions on what the $50 Free Play can be used on.

5. The maximum amount that can be won off the $50 Free Play account is $300.

6. Once a player reaches the $300 maximum the account is then capped.

7. Should the members account balance go over the maximum win amount allowed, it will be re-adjusted to $300.

8. To redeem the $300, the player must match this amount in full with a deposit of $300.

9. This deposit can be made via any of our easy deposit methods. There will be no additional bonus on this deposit, however we will reimburse the player for any sending fees.

10. Before requesting a withdrawal, the player must complete the roll over (see below). Once this is done, account funds may be withdrawn by simply calling our accounting department at 866-921-2530

Rollover example: $300 F/P win amount + $300 deposit amount = $600 starting account balance

Sportsbook: 10 time rollover of $300 deposit = $3000 in action

Casino: 20 time rollover of $300 deposit = $6000 in action

qst sono le condizioni,io ancora devo registrarmi...cosa ne pensate?fatemi sapere grazie

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