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Inserita: (modificato)

dalle terms che ho letto sembra proprio di no:

Cash Account Terms and Conditions include:

For players who receive a first deposit or sign up bonus, a minimum of 30 times the bonus balance must be wagered prior to making a withdrawal from their Cash account. Please note, as a player's bonus balance clears from their bonus account to their cash account the wagering required to withdraw from the cash account will also decrease.

For example, if a player receives a $100 bonus, they will have to wager approximately $3,000 based on a game with 100% wagering contribution (e.g. Slots and Parlor Games) before attempting a withdrawal. Similarly, they will have to wager $6,000 based on a game with a 50% wagering contribution (e.g. Table Poker, Casino War, Sic Bo) and so on.

Modificato: da dariobrasil

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